
Please do not make a decision to close the pool until the governor’s next announcement. We have lost so much for this summer, and there is research that proves that COVID19 is not transmitted in water. There are many swim organizations and clubs looking at ways to hold swim practices. Please wait to decide.

Please, consider running the pool on a modified schedule, and not closing completely.

We will pay an admission fee each time to use the pool instead of an annual pass.

Please do this for your citizens, who have lost so much. Thank you. Alyssa Bauer

4 Votes Created
Aimee Fisher about 4 years ago

I agree. Let’s not rush to a decision, let’s monitor as the governor continues to turn the dials to safety. We don’t get many months of warmth and sunshine.

Winston Vermilyra about 4 years ago

Please delay until we hear from the Gov. With limited options for many this summer having access to the pool is important. It will help keep kids physically active with few other options and it will help kids and adults to maintain healthy mental state as well due to access to physical activity. I realize that it is expensive to maintain the pool especially with limited attendance but the health benefits should be evaluated. If you look at the Rochester Public pools for years they have barely broken even but due to the positive benefits they generate and the fact that this is the only way for many low income families to have access to a pool of any type they have struggled every year to keep the pools open.

Chris Morgan about 4 years ago

Gov. Walz did update his recommendations for pool opening that allows youth groups to train safely within public pools. Later as things open (hopefully) you can open in full. Coaches are required to have Red Cross Certification and can be responsible for their athletes in the water. All swim teams have socially responsible plans to begin training. Unlike other sports, swim teams actually need a pool to - well, be a team. The Northfield Swim Club supports over 100 families in and around town.

Winston Vermilyea about 4 years ago

Gov Walz has again updated allowing Public pools to operate at 50% capacity. With the ability to have open swim in addition to letting teams rent space before opening and after closing the costs of running the pool can be lowered and this will give our community and much needed space for rest and/ recreation during these stressful times. Please consider the information that has been provided by the swim clubs in addition to any other factors.

Kaitlyn John over 2 years ago

It is really important to open a pool that allows youth groups to train safely within public pools. buy premium watches online Many precautions have to be taken before using it for the swimming training

Niharika Luke over 2 years ago

As the covid situation is getting worse that is not a wise way to make a decision on pools and that it will be definitely taken when the time is right so please be patient and hope everything will get well soon

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alyssa lauren over 1 year ago

It is prudent to delay the decision on pool operations in order to ensure that all relevant considerations have been taken into account. Taking the property for sale Ocoee time to carefully weigh all possible outcomes will help to ensure that the most beneficial course of action can be determined. By postponing the decision, decisions makers can make sure that the best decision is made for all parties involved.

milan Joy over 1 year ago

I saw your post about delaying the decision on pool operations and thought I'd share my thoughts. I can understand why some people might want to Lab grown diamonds postpone the decision due to uncertainties caused by the pandemic. However, I also think it's important to consider the potential consequences of delaying the decision, such as missing out on revenue or disappointing residents who look forward to using the pool. Ultimately, it's a tough call to make, but I hope the decision will be made with careful consideration of all factors involved.

cathy anna about 1 year ago

As a concerned citizen, I implore you to delay the decision to close the pool until the governor's next announcement. There are numerous swim Lab grown diamonds organizations and clubs exploring ways to hold swim practices safely, and research suggests that COVID-19 is not transmitted in water. Instead of closing completely, consider operating the pool on a modified schedule. We are willing to pay admission fees to use the pool and appreciate your consideration during these difficult times. Thank you.

Emma Scarlett about 1 year ago

I completely agree with Alyssa Bauer's comment. It would be wise to delay the decision on pool operations until the governor's rheumatology diseases next announcement regarding COVID-19. With research indicating that the virus is not transmitted through water and swim organizations finding ways to safely conduct swim practices, it would be more beneficial to run the pool on a modified schedule rather than closing it completely. Many of us have already lost so much, and having access to the pool would provide some much-needed respite. Thank you for considering this option.

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