Meeting Time: November 26, 2024 at 6:00pm CST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

22. Ord. 1071 Consideration of First Reading of Ordinance No. 1071 Amending Chapter 34 - Land Development Code Related to Industrial and Agricultural Land Uses.

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    Chris Kennelly 4 months ago

    I support of the two agenda items for the Northwest Development Area. I support the language in the resolutions as drafted by the City Staff versus the modified language approved by the Planning Commission. I attended the PC meeting on Thursday and was surprised that the option for a Data Center was removed from the approved text amendment. Staff recommendations were written to limit the negative effects of such a use. I thought Planning Commission member Bill Kuhlman did a good job of summarizing the issue.These data centers are going to have to go somewhere as we are not going to stop using computers and phones, so why are we saying not here
    If the University of Minnesota can figure out how to support a data center at their UMORE Park site, we should be able to find a way to support it in Northfield. Let’s move forward the language to include an option for a Data Center so we can keep that on the table to attract business, jobs, and tax base and ensure they do it the right way.