Meeting Time: December 06, 2022 at 6:00pm CST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13. 22-798 Public Hearing on the 2023 Budget and Tax Levy.

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    Kellee Isle almost 2 years ago

    The increase the city is asking for is far too much. So many families are already struggling to tread water. It is not welcoming to all to exacerbate high housing costs, nor reflective of the city's mission.

    It is particularly insulting that almost all of the over million dollar increase in spending is going to one area of spending, public safety, our police force, in an already very safe and low crime town. I am not worried about crime here. I am worried about being able to pay for my housing and food. I am worried about people becoming desperate to keep up with costs, a much bigger contributor to crime increases.

    I am happy to help pay my part, and a modest increase a thing I expected. But this is a ridiculous demand on people already facing so many other increases. If working people can't afford to live here, as is already the case, we'll never get businesses to come help shoulder the burden either.

    We're all tightening our belts. The city needs to do its part.

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    Bill North almost 2 years ago

    I would like to support the proposed levy. It is a significant increase at a challenging economic moment; my household will feel it. But I have confidence that our mayor and city council would not propose such increases lightly and that the increases in current expenditures (which are also affected by inflation) and new initiatives like the park improvement plan, the full time fire chief, and the Library Oasis project at the NCRC (which leverages private support as well as city dollars) will help maintain the quality of city services and infrastructure that makes Northfield a great place to live, to work, to have a family, and to retire and also address existing and future needs Northfield's expanding residential areas to the north and south. In the case of the Library Oasis at the NCRC, this facility will bring important services closer to a developing part of town and, through collocation at the NCRC, will connect with all ages and socio-economic groups in our community and schools.

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    Anna Doyle almost 2 years ago

    The massive increase in funding for the police force is definitely excessive. Please reconsider such a huge hike in our taxes. The cost of living is already hurting your taxpayers' budgets. Property values already rose significantly in the last few years; they can use their share of that funding rather than piling an extra million on the backs of your citizens.

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    Kathie Westlund almost 2 years ago

    The proposed 18.5% city of Northfield tax levy is excessive. Cost of living accompanied by inflation, fuel/energy costs and food is at least 25% greater this year. Northfield needs to court some industry to take the load of residential property taxes off the backs of homeowners. Three guiding principles of economic spending: Maintain/care for what you own; Don’t purchase new IF you can NOT afford it; Budget for the future in affordable, reasonable increments. You as city council, Mayor and city staff are all charged with wise fiscal handling of our money. Show us you can do it.

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    Jan Roetzel almost 2 years ago

    I disagree with the proposed tax levy. Northfield city budget is too high, needless spending drives this increase.
    I would support using fund reserves for needed park funding.